Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Frozen Bloodworms Frozen Bloodworms?

Frozen bloodworms? - frozen bloodworms

cogens, a package of frozen blood bought ... but how can I change my fish? I cogens dump around the block or should I wait for the thaw firs ... and also what I have to keep it frozen?> =


mabical@... said...

Depends on what you have fish, etc. .... Cichlids give them a few blocks of frozen fish (it melts quickly in the tank) to start
or you can have a ring worm investors buy into the tank basket (no matter what you fish) brought them there and the fish will come and try - if you have a large quantity of fish that I recommend, 2 rings in there!
If you ever frozen bloodworms!
---- You can buy 2 types of mosquito larvae - whether in a blister pack of 1 cube at a time or in a shallow box to everything they need for food to break.

Look at the fish when they (feed starting with a small fee) if you eat every few minutes, eat a little more.

I always think of my children love them to be frozen.

Good luck, I hope this helps a little

lover_of... said...

There are two types of packages that you can buy. That all plans and then there are cut, the package of dice.

First, it is a flat case, break a small piece and put it to thaw and then the fish.

If the package is then removed, how many cubic meters cubic meters aims to feed the fish and bring it to thaw and feed the fish.

But in any case should use bloodworms will remain frozen for return to freezer. When thawing the whole package is wrong and cause a large flower of ammonia to the death of his tank.

Do you have any questions, please e-mail to

RuRu Bell said...

They cut a small piece of it and let it thaw, then you can feed the fish.

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