Could it be implantation bleeding or is that just another false alarm? - false alarm due to implantation bleeding
All had unprotected sex two days a month inclusive. Supported) chest pain and tender 17 days (March 21, before the next round. April 7, 2007. Done the last night of sex and this morning I started to become a place pink panties body was then turned to light brown bleeding on the ball that far. During the 1 Stream urine, no blood stains light pink and pink and red tissue after wiping it with a little black lump of blood similar to the structure of the endometrium cos it is not broken by rubbing, stretching and feels like a piece of skin. However, the spots on the wafer is still brown from tomorrow at 0830hrs to 1640hrs now. I still have pain in the chest and now offer and have a metallic taste in the mouth for 2 days. Could it be implantation bleeding or could be pregnant, but because of bleeding sex last night? Lately, during sex, he felt a knot where my husband is in me. Please help. I'm confused. Am I pregnant or not yet re-thought.
Not experience implantation bleeding in most women. As a rule, is bright red or pink, brown spotting and not very easy. Not enough to fill a book. If you spot a rule 6.12 days after ovulation. Stains can also be identified. Fluid retention is a common first symptom of pregnancy but is also a sign of PMS. A pregnancy test to feel at home if you develop symptoms, hormones must be strong enough to demonstrate in a test. Consult a doctor about the masses, "" feel during intercourse. Good luck.
I do not understand what you say, but I had my implantation bleeding about 7 to 9 days was period.It in my dark, and there was only one tablespoon in one day.The only way to be sure to wait until the cycle is late, and then a PT. Oh, and good luck with TTC
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