Thursday, January 7, 2010

Probiotics Thrush Is It OK To Take Probiotics With Antibiotics?

Is it OK to take probiotics with antibiotics? - probiotics thrush

I have a staph infection and began to take an antibiotic. Shortly after, I thrush a yeast infection in the mouth. Take after reading the throttle, have said acidophilus, a probiotic. Can I do this while taking antibiotics at this time? I do not want to aggravate staphylococcal infection or left untreated candidiasis. Any help?


crave knowledge said...

In general, wait until after the antibiotic treatment, done. I asked my doctor right away if the acidophilus pill could be affected by the antibiotic (and less able to fight the infection itself, because it too) I said that it would be nice. But ... I want to ask your doctor for your specific case. Just make a phone call .. please leave a message with your sisters that you have a question about your last order. It is again the call (for calls from nurses are usually around 3 clock in the afternoon.) If you do not give a definitive answer, ask the doctor to give you have a memory.

Legion..... said...

There are broad-spectrum antibiotics that kill a broad spectrum of bacteria and narrow-spectrum antibiotics that kill a smaller area.

A probiotic is a kind of beneficial bacteria that the antibiotic may or may not kill. The antibiotics that depend on the individual and the type of bacteria in probiotics.

Acidophilus is basically a generic name for a probiotic, could contain one (or more) of five different beneficial bacteria.

Antibiotics and probiotics at the same time will not hurt you - all of this means that the antibiotic dead probiotic bacteria, in which case you can kill lost your money ...

Among the probiotic after antibiotic course seems very good, and most people do too.

You need to be with probiotics that you buy carefully. There are many probiotic products, which just do not - see the end of this document for products that have been scientifically proven to be effective:�

Mali ♥ said...

Instead of taking the tablets with the probiotic tablets anitbiotic Alog

Try eating yogurt probiotics and Yakult suck or plants

Custom will interfere with each other


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